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Everyday Heroes: Cleveland mother of four wins lifetime ticket to Cedar Point

Kwantica Dorsey does it all. She works two jobs, she's a mother to four and grandmother to one. She never stops giving, and someone took notice.

CLEVELAND — Life for Kwantica Dorsey is busy: She works two jobs all day long.

"Normally I get off between 3:30 and 4:30. And normally I will work from Dollar General from 4:30 to 9," Kwantica told us.

She is a mother to four children, ranging in age from 25 to 5. She's also a grandma to a brand new baby girl.

When the pandemic shut down schools, Kwantica moved her second job to the weekends. That's so she could add "teacher" to her growing list. Her daughter, Fantasy, says she watched her mom get up each day, working tirelessly and giving endlessly to her sisters and brothers. Often, Kwantica would be running on little sleep.

"She don't really get breaks. I think I thought this would be something good for her to just relax, have fun with her kids," Fantasy said of submitting her mom's name for Cedar Point's "Everyday Heroes" contest.

Fantasy wrote a letter to Cedar Point, hoping her mom would earn that lifetime pass to the park. The letter read:

"My mom inspires me. She works two jobs faithfully every day. With the Coronavirus, she now has to come home be a mother, grandmother and a schoolteacher all at the same time. Her days are long but she always makes sure the kids are learning if it takes to midnight. She survives off of about 3 hours of  sleep each night but day after day she gets up and does the same thing over and over again. She’s persistent, she big on education and she has taken on the role of a school teacher like it was her actual job. My brother even says he wants to go back to school because 'mommy makes me do more than the teachers!' She’s our EVERYDAY HERO."

With that note, Cedar Point selected Kwantica as one of their 15 winners. She is being rewarded with a total of four lifetime tickets -- three of which she gets to share with family or friends.

Fantasy strives to be like her mama,

"She has made sure her kids had everything that we wanted," Fantasy said. "No matter what it was, she just made sure that we had it. So that's something that I want to do for my daughter. I want to make sure she got everything that she wants," Fantasy said.

What Kwantica's family wants, is to be in her light. Always around her -- even in this interview -- because they're better for knowing her.

"My daughter's very amazing," Kwantica's mom spoke of her daughter. "Caring person. She do for everyone before herself. She don't think of herself. She just takes care of everyone else."

And for Kwantica, there is no other way to be: Being a mom, a wife, a daughter comes naturally. 

But when asked what keeps her going every day, she had family on her mind.

"Them. My kids. My mom. My husband. All of the Above," Kwantica said.


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