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Jack Staph & Sarah Horbol – We Preview the 2019 Rite Aid Cleveland marathon

Jack & Sarah share their experience with the marathon and what we can expect this year.

The 2019 Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon is coming up in May and it will be here before we know it!  Tell you more, Jack Staph, Executive Race Director and Sarah Horbol, last year’s Cleveland Marathon Winner sat down with Hollie and Alexa.

Here are the questions Hollie & Alexa asked:
For Sarah:
You are from Cleveland! What did winning the women's marathon mean to you?
What was it like to qualify for the Olympics in the Women's Marathon event?
How is your training progressing for the race here on May 19?
For Jack:
How long have you been involved with this race?
How many people usually participate?
Tell us about the Expo on May 17, 18 at the Convention Center?
How exciting is it to have a local runner like Sarah win last year's race?
What is the Economic impact of an event like this for Northeast Ohio?

Are you participating in the 2019 Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon? Tweet us @LIVEONLakeside or find us on Facebook/Instagram at LIVE on Lakeside and let us know!

For More Information: 
2019 Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon
Sunday, May 19th

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