Marcy Calvert, President, Power 4 Pink and Edward Campbell, President of the Wellington Eagle Riders and Chairman of the Northwest Zone for Ohio State School for the Blind joined us today to explain how a unique type of fundraiser – a poker run! – has just benefitted some very worthy people.
Below are questions Hollie and Alexa had for Marcy and Edward:
First, – what is a Poker Run?
And you just had one this past Saturday! How did it go? Tell us about it!
Marcy, Power 4 Pink – which you founded - benefitted from this. What does Power 4 Pink do? And why did you start this organization?
Edward, you’re the President of the Wellington Eagle Riders. Why did they want to get involved?
You’re also chairman of the Northwest Zone of the Ohio State School for the Blind. You’re a busy guy! How will they use the funds that were raised?
Marcy, what else is on Power 4 Pink’s calendar?
What are your thoughts on the Poker Run? Find us on social media, ‘Live on Lakeside’, and let us know!
For more information: