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Hispanic community excited for installation of Bishop Perez

The vibe among Cleveland’s Hispanic community is all excitement.

Bishop Perez is now officially the first Hispanic to ever serve as bishop of the Cleveland Diocese.

Many are just honored to have a Spanish speaking bishop here in their home town.

When it was announced that Bishop Perez was coming to Cleveland, it created a whirlwind of excitement in the Catholic community, but especially among the Hispanic community.

"It’s almost like when Barack Obama came. It doesn’t matter what race you are there’s something that’s different that people haven’t seen." said one local resident.

Vanessa Reyes who works at Cleveland Monfongo, a Latin grill on Cleveland’s Westside heard the news and instantly thought this bishop was exactly what the city needs to continue this prosperous year.

"This is really exciting and a step forward for all Hispanics everywhere especially with all that’s going on you want to make sure Hispanics are known all over the world." said Reyes.

But Jose Reyes, a longtime catholic at La Sagrada Familia Church,says it was more of a feeling than a fact, after Bishop Perez made a surprise visit to his church.

"He was more like a warm person, friendly person compared to other bishops" said Jose.

But while he may be kind and generous the hopes of change was presented by many.

Each person shared the same viewpoints eager for Bishop Perez to bring together a community that some label broken, especially after President Trump rolled out a new plan for DACA.

"You’re in a place of power, public figure and you’re the person who can get your word across that’s how you have to use your power" said Vanessa.

For those who missed the installation of Bishop Perez , he will be at La Sagrada Familia Church September 16 from 3 to 5 p.m.

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