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Asking for flexible hours and better pay: Mom Squad with 3News' Maureen Kyle

Juggling a family and a career is difficult. But there are ways to ask for more flexibility and better pay at the same time. Our career expert explains how.

CLEVELAND — Whether you're in the workforce already or looking to get back in after taking time off, it's a struggle to handle family life and work. But in a post pandemic world, more workplaces are offering hybrid or remote work set ups. And some are even offering flexibility in hours.

In today's Mom Squad, Maureen Kyle talks with Robert Half and Associate's Shannon Russell about how to have that conversation with an employer and how to look for jobs that offer flexibility.

“It's all about the communication,” says Russell. “I think it starts with you putting pen to paper and writing down, 'OK, what are all of your work responsibilities?' And, 'What are all of your parenting responsibilities?' When do all of those happen? Drop off, pick ups, orientations, things like that. And then going to your boss and saying, 'Here are some times that I can use a little extra support, but I can make up for it in these other other times.'"

She says it’s called “work windows” and has been a popular way for employers to structure the workday for employees who want more flexibility.

Did you know Forbes recently did a study and found employees who work from home make an average $19,000 more per year than in office workers?

In our full episode, Russell explains how to have that conversation of asking for more money and flexibility.

You can see it on WKYC Plus, on our WKYC YouTube channel or in the media player below.



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