CHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio — For the first time in seven years, the Chagrin Falls Popcorn Shop will not go through with its famous New Year's Eve popcorn ball drop. The event has been canceled this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing concerns, but the shop hopes to make a "splash" with their new New Years display.
It's called Flush 2020. It's a toilet seat on a tiled "floor" decorated with holiday lights, "branches" will rolls of toilet paper (that we can only imagine cost a small fortune in this year's economy) that light up in sync with a musical display.
The shop posted a video of the display on their Facebook page with the caption, "Great way to see out 2020! Flush it down!!"
In an email to 3News, shop owner Dewey Forward said their Flush 2020 display, "is a gentle way of saying, 'let's get rid of the (you know what) and get onto another year."