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Special prosecutor appointed to oversee Bobby George attempted murder, rape case as his attorney threatens to sue city of Cleveland over charges

3News legal analyst Stephanie Haney breaks down whether these two developments are related to each other, Legally Speaking

CLEVELAND — Legal analysis: A special prosecutor has been appointed to handle the criminal case against business owner Bobby George, just as his legal team has sent a letter threatening a lawsuit to the city of Cleveland.

Legally speaking, these two things have nothing to do with each other.

George’s attorney sent what’s a called an evidence preservation letter to Cleveland’s Chief Law officer Mark Griffin on August 19, suggesting there was bias involved in charging him with nine felonies, including attempted murder, rape, strangulation and kidnapping. George's attorney has said those allegations are false. 

The first sentence of the evidence preservation letter reads as follows:

Thrasher Dinsmore and Dolan LPA is one of the law firms representing Robert George in connection with potential claims against the City of Cleveland and some of its employees arising from the criminal complaint filed against Mr. George on or about August 9, 2024.

This letter is basically a warning that a lawsuit could be coming, to put the city on notice to keep records related to the decision to charge George.

It referenced a different letter dated Dec. 2 that was sent from Northeast Ohio Democrat groups to candidates, discouraging them from holding events at places owned by the George family.

Here's part of that language: 

"We are writing to draw attention to a serious lapse of judgment and incongruent values some candidates manifest when they redirect campaign contributions. to fund raising venues owned by people with views antithetical to those professed by the candidates."

One of the groups that signed the Dec. 2 letter was Cleveland Stonewall Democrats, where Cleveland City Prosecutor Aqueelah Jordan is on the executive board.

Griffin told me of the evidence preservation letter, “This is a pretty normal request. We’re doing everything according to protocol.”

He added: “The City of Cleveland has public records obligations so it’s already required that everything gets preserved.”

Since George was charged in Cleveland Municipal Court, the case has been transferred to the Cuyahoga County system, where prosecutor Michael O’Malley has recused himself to avoid the appearance of any conflict. 

This is due to the revelation uncovered by 3News Investigates that George’s dad, Tony George, has donated $36,000 to O’Malley’s campaigns over the years.

On Aug. 21, Jefferson County prosecutor Jane Hanlin was appointed to take over leading this case.

Hanlin told me on the phone Thursday that the evidence preservation letter sent to the city of Cleveland has nothing to do with the Cuyahoga County criminal case.

She said she is just now getting the investigative file, so she couldn’t give us any idea just yet of a timeline for what’s to come in this case, moving forward.

Once Hanlin reviews the file, then she’ll be able to make a decision about whether or not to summon a grand jury, related to this case.

Hanlin has been the Jefferson County Prosecutor for 13 years and an Assistant Jefferson County Prosecutor for seven years prior. She is also the past President of the Ohio Prosecuting Attorney’s Association.

Stephanie Haney is licensed to practice law in both Ohio and California.

The information in this article and video is provided for general informational purposes only. None of the information in this article and video is offered, nor should it be construed, as legal advice on any matter.

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