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Jay Crawford introduces us to 88-year-old Frank Mungo, a retired engineer with a gift for woodworking

After a 40-year career at Goodyear, the Cuyahoga Falls resident now spends his days sharing his talent.

CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio — Frank Mungo spent four decades working as an engineer at Goodyear, but these days, his office is his wood shop/garage. 

"It's a passion for me," he told me in a recent interview. "I've been doing it for so long and I love to do it."

And Frank can make just about anything: Every piece of furniture in his house came from his workshop.

"I have a signature design," he said. "When you buy something at a store, whatever, you get a top, they always use three-quarter-inch tops. I hate them. All of my tops are full one-inch."

Frank is all about quality. He designs every piece on his computer using intricate detail, then it's out to the wood shop to make the magic happen. 

Over decades, Frank has taught himself every aspect of woodworking, and although the Cuyahoga Falls resident just recently turned 88 years young, he has no plans to slow down on projects.

"When you have a passion like this, I guess it gives you a reason just to keep going," he explained.

And to coincide with his 88th birthday, he's now added author to his impressive list of titles. He recently published "Frank G Mungo Woodworking Projects."

"So this book is full of all of the projects that I have done," he said. "There's 38 projects in here."

His detailed instructions illustrate each project, and include a shopping list.

"Then after that, I also give details of how you cut all the wood that you have to buy."

Frank shares his own projects with friends, neighbors, and 3News personalities alike — many of my fellow anchors and reporters have received small woodwork crafts in the mail here at the station. 

Frank says he's looking towards the future, and hopes to stay busy until at least age 100.

"I'd like to make it to about 500," he joked, "but I know that isn't going to happen."

You can purchase and learn more about Frank's book here and here.

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