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Want to ditch debt in 2020? Meet the couple that paid down six figures in less than two years

The Hartzogs felt called to clear all their financial hurdles, and did it by using more hours in their day to make money.

FRISCO, Texas — A Frisco couple used several side hustles to clear out more than $100,000 worth of debt in 23 months, and are sharing their strategy with others. 

There’s nothing like the moment when you complete a major goal, and the Hartzogs of Frisco had a goal so big, it’s becoming the stuff of legend.

"My resolution for 2017 was to save more and to travel more, and [my husband] was like, 'We can’t do both! Can’t do both, you gotta choose what you’re doing,'" Jhanilka Hartzog said. 

Anthony and Jhanilka chose to face their debt. It was a financial mountain that might sound familiar — student loans, credit cards, car payments. They made small sacrifices in their everyday finances here and there, and then made one huge decision.

"Our biggest thing was if we can make more money, we don’t have to cut back as much as most people would," Anthony said.

They worked their full-time jobs, and also added several app-based side-hustles.

"We did Rover, which is pretty much, you’re watching dogs [for people] in your home," Anthony said. "We did Turo which is peer-to-peer car rental."

Then, they started a maid service, which turned into a business they’re still running today. For 23 months they had very long days, but it led to the moment the Hartzogs submitted their final payment: $114,151 worth of debt.

"Then we’re like, 'It’s really over,' and then it hit us in January and we did our budget, and there was no debt," Jhanilka said. 

So if you had that same New Year's resolution, the Hartzogs' tip is to find extra time in your day where you can make money and get a flexible job that’ll let you do it.

"It can take five years and that’s totally fine, but you can still start somewhere," she said. 

You can follow the Hartzogs' financial journey here.

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