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Ukrainian children who lost parents to war enjoy day at Great Lakes Science Center

There are 18 children here in Cleveland thanks to the U4U Kids organization.

CLEVELAND — When you're visiting the Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland, it's hard to run out of things to do. But if you happened to be there on Monday, you were one of the lucky ones who saw a group of kids experiencing deep gratitude on a level most of us will never understand.

"I'm so happy and I'm so glad for this trip," said 12-year-old Solomiia, who's here with 17 other kids who lost their fathers in the war in Ukraine. 

The group is here for three weeks thanks to U4U Kids. They'll stay with host families, and during activities like the Science Center, they get to do something they haven't done in a very long time: Just be kids again.

"You can see that they're hurt deep down inside, but they're happy that they're here in a normal, safe environment," said Diyana Gabyak, director of U4U Kids.

Gabyak says she and collaborator Roman Skalsky, deacon at the Slavic Full Gospel Church, have seen the impact this trip is having on the kids. 

"I think for them, first time to sleep in peace, that was a big thing," Roman said. "Plus they're connecting with these families here. They're connecting with kids."

It's something Irina Ithnatenko appreciates deeply, because just a year and a half ago, she lost her husband in the war. Now, she's here in Cleveland with her two daughters for the next few weeks.

"They're happy, they're energetic. They want to see a lot of scenes, and they're really excited of being in the USA," Irina said.

In a few weeks, the kids will go back to their mothers or guardians in their home country. But Gabyak says this gift of love, safety, and bonds with their host families, will last forever.

"They're missing this part inside of them, and it's hurtful, but our families are able to, you know, give them that hug and I believe that this will go on for life," Gabyak said.

To learn more information about how you can help support the U4U Kids organization, click HERE.

Have a story idea for Heartstrings? Email to: Heartstrings@wkyc.com.


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