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High school & college seniors could miss milestones due to COVID-19 pandemic

School districts and universities are making tough decisions, not only about instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic, but important milestones, as well.

CLEVELAND, Ohio — School districts and universities are making tough decisions, not only about instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic but important milestones like prom and graduation as well.

"We’re looking at possibly rescheduling the date for prom because it’s supposed to be in April, and now it’s looking like we might have to push it back due to everything that’s going on," Willoughby South High School Senior and Prom Committee Member Ashley Pecjak said.

"It’s hard for everyone because it’s our last year of high school so we want to enjoy it as much as we can but not being in school, we can’t see any of our friends, our classmates, our teachers, anyone."

In a statement, Willoughby-Eastlake Superintendent Steve Thompson said, in part:

“In the event our seniors are not able to host their proms at their currently scheduled venues, we will make our facilities available to students from North and South. We plan to tentatively host them on July 31, 2020 in their respective buildings. If it becomes necessary for these events to be held in our buildings, the building principals will work with our prom committees to organize these events."

Colleges are feeling it, too. According to its website, "Kent State [University] is postponing all Spring Commencement ceremonies and pre-commencement celebrations. We are exploring alternate options and dates. More information will be provided at a later date."

Senior Broadcast Journalism Major Maria DeBone says it’s disappointing.

"It’s really tough, because you put so much work and time into studying for four years and you really just want to get to that end goal of walking across the stage and accepting your diploma with your friends and family watching."

DeBone is unsure if she and her family would be able to make it to a rescheduled commencement since she lives in Pennsylvania and could have a job out of state. With all of the of the uncertainty, both Maria and Ashley are keeping everything in perspective.

"I can just do my part of staying home, staying inside," DeBone said.

"I’m just kind of hoping that everything will pass with time," Pecjak added. "It’s kind of hard in the moment to say, 'Oh, when are we going to get out of this?' but it will, it will just take time and it’ll pass."

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