CLEVELAND — During a time like this, keeping yourself healthy is as important as taking precautions to keep others healthy.
On Thursday, the Cleveland Clinic released a list of some of their top reasons as to why wearing a cloth mask while out in public is incredibly important. Here are the top five reasons to keep yourself protected while taking a trip outside of the house.
- Although they don’t keep you from breathing in droplets, they may be able to keep you from spreading the virus if you are a carrier of COVID-19 with no symptoms.
- Cloth masks can help to stop the spreads of droplets after a cough or sneeze, limiting the spread even further.
- Masks can prevent you from touching your face. This is one we could all use help with!
- Just the act of seeing masks are a great visual reminder to keep your physical distance.
- Finally, masks can help to limit the spread of viruses between individuals and objects.
Stay healthy and safe during this time, and don’t forget to wear your mask.
You can find more information on the coronavirus here.