CLEVELAND — As more of Ohio reopens and summer sets in, some people are experiencing what's called "quarantine fatigue." Dr. Sheerli Ratner, a clinical health psychologist from MetroHealth Medical Center takes a deep dive into why it happens and what we should do.
“We are pleasure seekers,” Ratner says. “We tend to be motivated by things that give us pleasure, that make us feel good. So that's why when we have experienced something that has been so stressful, there comes a point where that fatigue hits us.”
As people become unmotivated to place restrictions on their lives, there are ways to stay on track.
Dr. Ratner says people need to admit that quarantine can be exhausting, but seek out safe ways to find pleasure. The ways to stay motivated include spending a lot of time outdoors and also using a daily meditation app or program.
“Turn off the TV. Turn off social media. Turn off the screens and get outside.”
Dr. Ratner also stresses that if you think you are experiencing depression or anxiety, to reach out for help because mental health is so important.
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