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Sen. Rob Portman supports Gov. Mike DeWine’s latest pleas for Ohioans to wear masks

Portman said he’s discouraged by Ohio’s latest surge in coronavirus cases.

CLEVELAND — Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said this week the coronavirus doesn't respect political boundaries, yet he is often standing alone within his own Republican Party, which controls the State House and the White House. 

Pressing Ohioans for months to wear masks and avoid large social gatherings, GOP legislative leaders have tried to undermine his health orders and political power. Even crowds at Ohio rallies for President Trump have jeered the governor and Lieutenant Gov. Jon Husted’s actions during the pandemic and shutdown orders last spring.

Today, Ohio’s Republican U.S. Senator Rob Portman said he supports the governor and his latest plea.

“I stand with the governor on his strong encouragement of wearing masks,” he said in a call with reporters. “He hasn’t put a mandate into effect on everything, and he’s made a point that the science is clear. But we do have a third wave affecting Ohio, and I’m discouraged by it. I had hoped by this stage we would begin to see our infections go down.”

Though Portman has supported DeWine’s work to contain the virus in Ohio, he’s not publicly criticized President Trump’s handling of the pandemic response or his recent rhetoric, which includes statements that the virus is ending soon with or without a vaccine. 

"The vaccine will end the pandemic, but even without the vaccine, the pandemic is ending, it's going to end,” Trump said at a recent rally in Arizona. “This can go quickly -- this can make it go a lot faster. Biden's lockdown will crush America. My plan will crush the virus and bring back your American dream."

U.S. Sen. Chris Koons of Delaware, a top surrogate for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, told 3News Tuesday the former vice president will do better, in part, by listening to health experts.

“But [he will] also listen to people,” he said. “Listen to the public health experts and those that he needs to listen to, to get us out of this pandemic and strengthen our national public health, get our schools open and move forward in a positive direction.”

DeWine is not taking sides. He said in news conference in Cleveland on Monday that the coronavirus doesn’t care what side you are on.

“We have a common enemy. Democrats, Republican, independents. Whoever,” he said. “This our common enemy and we have to continue to battle.”


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