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Survey: 72% of employees are eager to return to their offices following COVID-19 pandemic

Nearly half of those surveyed expect to be back at thier workplace sometime this summer.

MILL VALLEY, Calif. — Are you experiencing cabin fever while doing business from home, or have you settled into a nice workflow since the COVID-19 pandemic began?

Glassdoor, one of the world’s largest job and recruiting sites, has released results from a survey conducted online by The Harris Poll. The survey polled 1,100 employed U.S. adults about their expectations for re-entering the workplace amid COVID-19.

The new survey found that of U.S. employees who are exclusively working from home due to COVID-19:

Employees Are Ready to Get Back to the Office

Eagerness to Return: 72% say they are eager to return to their company’s office, and among those:

  • Men (79%) are more likely than women (61%) to say they are eager to return to their company’s office.
  • Nearly half (45%) expect to return to working in their company’s office in some capacity in Summer 2020.

Top Factors: Socializing with coworkers (52%) and in-person work collaboration (46%) top the list of reasons employees are eager to return to their office.

Trust in Sr. Leaders: 83% trust their company’s senior leaders to make an informed decision about when to re-open their office.

Employees’ Expectations for Health and Safety at Work

U.S. employees who are exclusively working from home due to COVID-19 expect their employer to do the following when their company’s office re-opens:

  • More than 3 in 4 (79%) expect their employer to provide disinfectant/hand sanitizer.
  • Over half (54%) expect their employer to mandate employees wear masks/gloves in the office.
  • 45% expect their employer to space out workstations at least six feet from other co-workers.
  • 38% expect their employer to check employees’ temperatures upon arriving at work.

COVID-19’s Impact on the Future of Work

  • More Flexible Work Options: 65% would work from home full-time after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, if given the option.
  • Consider Remote Openings: 60% would be more likely to apply to a position that is entirely remote if they were looking for a new job.

“There’s no one-size-fits-all model for employers preparing to re-open their offices," says Glassdoor Chief People Officer Carina Cortez. "While many workers are eager to return to the office, employers considering re-opening offices should clearly communicate that the workplace is going to look very different, and keep employees informed on what that means for them. Now more than ever, employers must closely monitor local guidelines and listen to their employees to ensure they are meeting the needs of the people that fuel their business.”

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