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Getting flu shots live on the air

Hollie Giangreco, Lynna Lai and Tiffany Tarpley rolled up their sleeves to get a flu shot on Wednesday morning's show.
Oct. 1, 2014: Lynna Lai and Hollie Giangreco got their flu shots live on the air.

CLEVELAND -- October has arrived and so has the flu season.

In preparation, Hollie Giangreco, Lynna Lai and Tiffany Tarpley all rolled up their sleeves to get a flu shot live on Wednesday morning's show.

One of the most common reasons many don't get a shot is because they say it will give them the flu. Despite those claims, doctors say it's not possible for the shot to give you the flu.

So, where do you stand? Will you be getting a shot?

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