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How Cleveland schools are bridging the digital divide with distance learning: City Club of Cleveland

Educators have been forced to get creative to help their students with learning from home.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

CLEVELAND — With K-12 schools closed for the remainder of the academic year due to the coronavirus pandemic, educators have been getting creative with teaching their students through distance learning.

Cleveland Metropolitan School District CEO Eric Gordon will speak with Dan Moulthrop during Friday's City Club of Cleveland meeting to address how CMSD has had to bridge the digital divide and assure connections for nearly 40,000 students.

"He'll also discuss his national advocacy efforts to have the internet considered part of the nation's infrastructure and not a luxury," officials said.

The event, which begins at 12:30 p.m., will be available to watch below:

This forum is part of the City Club of Cleveland's "Education Innovation" series.


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