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State of the suburbs: Lakewood

Our 'State of the suburbs' series continues with an inside look at Lakewood.
A horse pulls Lakewood officials.

LAKEWOOD – Perched just west of downtown Cleveland, the city of Lakewood is one of the older 'burbs in Northeast Ohio. Touting 9,400 people per square mile, it's also one of the most densely populated cities in the Midwest.

The age, population and location of Lakewood is one of its greatest assets, but it also comes hand in hand with obstacles.

One of the first city ordinances actually dealt with horses staying below 8 mph and now, more than 100 years later, speeding continues to be a problem.

Mayor Summers knows the walkability is a feather in the city's cap and is trying to keep it that way by thinking outside the box to deal with traffic. A plan to create a chicane on long straight stretches of road will go into effect soon, with hopes of creating more careful drivers.

"There's a whole element of society who want a neighborhood experience," Summers said. "They want local and they want walkable and that's what Lakewood is able to offer."

Lakewood is also in the process of renovating schools that were built in the 1920s, a sewer system built prior to WWI and upgrading the 50 percent of homes that were built when Woodrow Wilson was in office. Old though, isn't a bad thing. Local realtor, Scott Phillips of Keller Williams, says Lakewood home values are up 30 percent from last year, an increase usually seen in the sun belt.

A city with a thriving line of bars for younger generations and shops, schools and parks for families. They like to say they're well rounded.


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