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'There is a lot of anger and frustration here': Chester Township police chief speaks out about officer charged with sexual battery

Chester Township police officer Nicholas Iacampo was arrested Sunday for sexual battery involving a teenager.

GEAUGA COUNTY, Ohio — Chester Township Police Chief Craig Young said officers in his department were shocked and frustrated after finding out one of their colleagues was charged with sexual battery.

"To see the aggravation, the disappointment, how upset they were by this, knowing that even though they had nothing to do with it, it's going to be a reflection on them and it really breaks my heart as chief," Young said.

Chester Township police officer Nicholas Iacampo is facing felony sexual battery charges involving a teenager. The incident happened while he was on patrol August 6th.

"It did happen on duty, I can confirm that, and that's in of itself something that obviously is extremely concerning to me," Young said.

Young said he can't comment on many details due to the active investigation, but did clarify that the incident didn't happen on police property.

"It was unfortunate circumstances, but I can tell you this, this police department is not defined by one bad act and one individual," Young said.

Iacampo was arrested Sunday, appeared in court Monday, posted bond and was released.

He was a temporary school resource officer at West Geauga Local Schools from January to June of 2023.

"There is no evidence, there is no information to show that anything happened while he was in the West Geauga Schools," Young said.  

Now the small department of about 15 officers is focused on moving forward.

"We are and should be held to a higher standard. So when something like this happens, it jeopardizes that trust. It's incumbent on us to get that trust and that respect back and we're going to work very diligently to do that," Young said. 

The Lake County Sheriff's Office is conducting the investigation.

Iacampo's mother is Chardon Municipal Court Judge Terri Stupica. Icampo is scheduled to be back in court August 18th for a preliminary hearing.

Previous Reporting:

READ: Geauga County police officer facing charge after alleged sexual battery against teen

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