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Interim mayor of Lorain chosen in controversial vote

Joseph F Koziura was chosen Sunday. He formerly served as mayor from 1996 through 1999.

LORAIN, Ohio — In a controversial vote Sunday, the Lorain City Democratic Central Committee chose Joseph F. Koziura to serve as mayor of Lorain. The decision was even met with a few boos from the audience.

He and two other candidates Mary Springowski and Joel Arredondo gave five minute pitches to a packed house in Lorain Sunday afternoon. The committee came back with a majority vote shortly after, announcing Koziura's role to fill the vacancy left by former mayor Chase Ritenauer's abrupt decision to step down and focus on his family.

"It's good to be back in the saddle," Koziura said.

Koziura previously served as mayor for the city of Lorain from 1996 through 1999. He was also the city's auditor and the State of Ohio Representative during his lengthy tenure.Koziura also served as councilman at large until he lost to Mary Springowski in the May election.

"Lorain is going to be happy to have me back," Koziura said. "Believe me."

The controversy surrounding the vote stems from a law that made many candidates wanting the full-term job, ineligible. 

In what's referred to as the "sore loser law,"candidates who on the May ballot for various positions in city of Lorain were declared ineligible for the November ballot. This means Koziura will serve as mayor until the next election. 

 "We fight for the people. I don't quit," said Springowski.

Springoski says the outcome is disappointing, especially for the voters. She also can't run for mayor in November because she is disqualified. She says she will look to challenge the "sore loser" law.

"I don't believe in codified voter suppression and I do believe in the will of the people."

Ed Mantin, who lives in Lorain, believes Koziura will be a great mayor but he believes the law took away the voice of the voters.

"That's the bad taste in the mouth for the city," he said.

Despite the controversy, Kozuira says he looks forward to working together with Springowski and the rest of the Democrats. 

The Lorain City Democratic Central Committee will choose who will be the party's candidate for the November election in the next couple of weeks.

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