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'Feed the Frontline' initiative steps up to help health care workers

It's no secret, health care workers need support now, more than ever.

CLEVELAND — There's no question about it -- health care workers across Northeast Ohio are stressed, working tons of overtime, and days and weeks on end.

But a local program is stepping up to support those hospital heroes, right when they need it most. 

Bridget Jammoul and her team from Feed the Frontline unloaded box after box at South Pointe Hospital, Friday.

They've been out there for the last nine months, dropping snacks, treats and encouraging notes to our hospital heroes.

"There was a resounding sentiment of like, Hey, morale is lower than ever. Our numbers are higher than ever. In terms of COVID-19 cases in Northeast, Ohio, are you guys still around? Are you guys still doing your thing and supporting and doing the donations?

Since March, donations from the community, local businesses and corporate sponsors are keeping those boxes full. The generosity has allowed the group to help dozens of hospitals across Northeast Ohio.

"In this particular time of what we're going through, that kindness, that generosity, that paying it forward and thinking about others, is irreplaceable," said Carolyn Sanford, department supervisor for volunteer services and patient guest services at South Pointe Hospital.

And though health care workers are tired, acts of kindness like this one are keeping them going.

"I think the hearts are bigger. The generosity is even more abundant and overflowing. You're doing something that could be helping me, my neighbor, my family member, and the fact that you are putting yourself out there on the line for us is a pretty big statement," Carolyn said.

Bridget says, she's honored to be a part of the mission.

"It's just such an awesome community here to be a part of, and the healthcare community, specifically, in this time of need and stress and tension. So for them to look to us is just absolutely incredible," Bridget told us.

 The work for Feed the Frontline is nowhere near finished.

"What's next, is every hospital we can get our hands on. The sky is the limit so as long as we continue to get the donations coming in, nwe will not stop until it's over," Bridget said.

To help Feed the Frontline, click HERE.

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