You’ve been there before...
Getting stuck behind a driver who’s going to slow… Having somebody cut you off on the highway… Watching the car ahead of you swerve all over the road because they’re texting and driving…
No fun.
Well, guess what? Ohio has just been ranked as having some of America’s worst drivers.
A new study released by ranks Ohio at #8 on the list of America’s worst drivers.
Maine was given the title of worst drivers overall for "a drastic rise in traffic citations and fatalities."
The best? That goes to Michigan's drivers who "earn the gold medal thanks to less citations, speeding and fatalities than last year."
The results were determined by the following data: Accidents, speeding tickets, DUIs, citations and fatalities.
The 10 states with the worst drivers:
1. Maine
2. South Carolina
3. Nebraska
4. California
5. North Dakota
6. Minnesota
7. Idaho
8. Ohio
9. Utah
10. Washington
The 10 states with the best drivers:
1. Michigan
2. Mississippi
3. Oklahoma
4. Arizona
5. Illinois
6. Nevada
7. Arkansas
8. West Virginia
9. Rhode Island
10. Kentucky