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Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine presents findings from working group to transform juvenile justice system

DeWine created the working group in November, asking members to review juvenile justice operations at the Ohio Department of Youth Services.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Gov. Mike DeWine and the Ohio Juvenile Justice Working Group gathered Tuesday morning to announce recommendations for transforming the state and local juvenile justice system.

DeWine created the working group in November, asking members to review juvenile justice operations at the Ohio Department of Youth Services. He also wanted the group to examine the agency’s partnerships with local community corrections facilities and county juvenile detention facilities.

The group issued a report with 26 recommendations for improvements. Some of the recommendations are already in progress, according to DeWine.

Some of the recommendations include:

  • The Department of Youth Services should engage in a “system transformation” with respect to the design and size of its correctional institutions by replacing its current three large facilities with numerous smaller facilities.
  • In addition to the 11 existing CCFs in Ohio, DYS should establish CCFs in the three counties that commit the highest number of youths to DYS, specifically Cuyahoga, Franklin, and Hamilton counties.
  • The state should hire outside consultants to review operations in the three DYS facilities and a sampling of local juvenile detention centers and community correctional facilities.
  • Relevant state agencies should develop a coordinated master plan to enhance efficiency and enable better outcomes for youth.
  • Change Ohio law to better ensure accountability for youth who assault correctional staff.
  • Increase the minimum age of youth commitments from 10 years old to 14 years old.
  • Give judges more discretion in sentencing youth adjudicated on certain crimes.
  • Prohibit youth adjudicated on nonviolent, low-level felonies from being remanded to a DYS facility.

"These recommendations all have merit and deserve consideration," said DeWine. "All kids deserve the opportunity to live up to their full, God-given potential, including youth who are incarcerated in state or local juvenile corrections facilities. We must send these youth home with the very best chance to succeed."

You can read the working group’s full report here.

DeWine also advised that the Ohio Department of Youth Services work on several recommendations listed in the report, such as:

  • Developing best practices to prevent gang activity and bullying
  • Creating a staff position to focus on gang behaviors and activities
  • Expanding reentry support for youth upon release from custody
  • Engaging local behavioral health providers to augment DYS's behavioral health services
  • Developing a credible messenger program
  • Creating a parent-guardian liaison position and a DYS parent advisory board
  • Expanding programming that supports staff wellness

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