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10-year-old Suffield boy's mission to help the homeless with honey: How you can get involved

Isaac Waldeck is the boy behind Provision Honey in Portage County, which has the company slogan of 'Little Jar, Big Heart.'

SUFFIELD, Ohio — The words of a 10-year-old Suffield boy: "Everybody should be able to live a normal life with a roof over their head."

Isaac Waldeck has a heart of gold. His dad, Kent Waldeck, describes him as a "kind-hearted kid."

It was back in Chicago when Isaac was 5 years old that he saw a homeless person for the first time.

"This is something that's weighed on him, obviously, over the years since he first had that experience in Chicago," Kent explained. "He kept bringing it up and so we really wanted to try to figure out a way to help manifest that into something."

"It kind of just held on to me all throughout the year until Christmas when I thought people aren't getting presents, they aren't in their warm bed and I wanted to do something," Isaac said.

So Kent came up with a plan for Provision Honey, an organization that donates 100% of its profits to charities that help the homeless.

Credit: Kent Waldeck

"You don’t have to buy our honey, you can help any charity, donate to any charity," Isaac said. "Just drop a cent in a cup. It doesn't matter, just anything can help -- even if it’s just a penny."

Making a difference one cent at a time, Isaac donated $1,700 to Community Support Services, which is a homeless outreach center. 

"Every quarter, we’re going to try and beat the record we already have," Isaac said.

If you would like to help the homeless, CLICK HERE to buy some Provision Honey. All money is donated to give much-needed provisions to the homeless population.

"Provision sources the finest raw, unfiltered honey directly from beekeepers," their site says. "We then loosely filter the honey to ensure it's clean while still leaving pollen and all the wonderful things that make raw honey delicious. See for yourself why Provision Honey is remarkable!"


Editor's note: Video at the top of this story was originally published on March 22, 2021.

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