NEW FRANKLIN, Ohio — EDITOR'S NOTE: The video in the player above is from a previous, unrelated story.
The South Summit Water Rescue Team will hold a large Mass Casualty training event on Thursday, Aug. 26 at Portage Lakes State Park.
The South Summit Water Rescue Team is made up of water rescue personnel from the following municipalities: the City of New Franklin, City of Green, Coventry Township, Lakemore Village, Copley Township, City of Norton Fire Department and the South Summit Dispatch Center. They will all take part in the training, alongside officials from Barberton Fire, Clinton Fire, Jackson Township Fire, Springfield Township Fire, the Summit County Sheriff's Office Marine Patrol, the Summit County Special Operations Team, Water Branch and the Summit County Incident Management Team.
If you live in the area, you can expect to see many rescue vehicles, including ambulances, in non-emergency mode.
The drill is expected to begin at 9 a.m. Thursday and last until early afternoon.
According to the City of New Franklin, "This drill is designed to test the abilities of local, county and State water rescue personnel, as if they were responding to a large scale incident. The training scenario will be a multiple watercraft collision, with numerous surface and sub-surface victims. Surface water rescue, dive rescue, and sonar operations will also be employed."
Residents should also note that normal day to day Fire and EMS duties will not be affected by this training.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The video in the player below is from a previous, unrelated story.