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Democrat Nina Turner announces her campaign has raised $2.2M for the 11th congressional district seat

Turner is just one of several vying for the seat vacated by Marcia Fudge.

CLEVELAND β€” EDITOR'S NOTE: The video in the player above originally aired on March 15, 2021.

Ohio's 11th Democratic Congressional candidate Nina Turner announced Monday that her campaign has raised a total of $2.2 million at the end of the quarter FEC filing deadline of March 31. $1.55 million of that came in the first quarter of 2021 alone.

Turner's campaign also announced that its cash on hand at the end of the quarter was over one million dollars.

RELATED: Cleveland City Councilman Blaine Griffin endorses Nina Turner for U.S. House seat

Turner's campaign says it is funded mainly by grassroots supporters, with an average contribution of about $28 in the last quarter. Overall, the campaign has received 77,578 individual contributions from every state, plus the District of Columbia. In Ohio, the campaign says it has gotten donations from every zip code in the 11th congressional district. On average, Ohioans are donating about $48, and there are about 400 recurring donors across the state.

Overall, teachers have been the most prevalent contributors, according to the campaign, followed by retail workers and health care workers.

"I am so grateful for all of the grassroots support we are receiving from working people in Ohio and across the nation," Turner said, in a press release. "This is a people-powered campaign that is centered around an opportunity agenda of better wages, better health care, better education and dignity for all."

The state of Ohio ranks in the top three in terms of total dollars raised and the number of individual contributions, Turner's campaign said. The campaign also said it expects to get more individual contributions from Ohio than any other candidate.

Turner's campaign says it has pledged not to accept any corporate PAC money, and has also taken the American Promise Pledge, which focuses on working to get big money out of politics. Turner also promised not to accept more than $200 from oil, gas or coal executives, lobbyists or PACs.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The video in the player below originally aired on Dec. 15, 2020.


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