BEDFORD, Ohio — As cars flow down Broadway Avenue in Bedford, cosmic energy flows in and out of Spirit Apotheosis. They have it all.
"Rocks, crystals, books on how to use — all the different things here," proprietor Matt Stewart says.
And yes, lots of incense. For many, making luck — especially for the more-than-$1 billion Mega Millions jackpot — is all about inviting positive energy into your life through different offerings, to each his or her own.
"We've got some gambling oil there," Stewart told us. "We can oil up the candle and light the candle. The candle is called a double-action money candle."
There's no shortage of those candles, herbs, and oils to attract that positive energy. Matt has his ticket, and is ready for the drawing.
"Just to show everybody out there that I'm going to win it," he said. "You can buy into it, but that'll just give me a bigger jackpot."
People look everywhere to make their own luck. Is it in a piece of Tiger's Eye, or in the smoke of a green candle? Who knows? Matt, for one, says it's about positive energy, not a guaranteed win.
"You know what they say: There's only two guarantees — death and taxes," he quipped. "If you win this lottery, I guarantee you're going to pay tons of taxes."
Don't forget to rub the Buddha!