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Sex at work? Vermilion police officer, dispatcher fired

Wendel on the Web is WKYC reporter/producer Kim Wendel's "take" and commentary on the news of the day
Vermilion Police Department

It is what it is.

On Tuesday, while most people were in the throes of the election -- and most in Ohio were looking at whether marijuana would become legal or not -- Vermilion police Patrolman David Jones and police Dispatcher Katie Kovach, an 11-year veteran of the VPD, were terminated for serious and gross misconduct.


According to the copies of interviews and termination papers obtained by WKYC Channel 3, the terminations were for meeting and having sex on three different occasions since May or June while Jones was on duty, according to Mayor Eileen Bulan.

The two were apparently caught up in the throes of something else over the summer.

Reading the documents, it is against the policies and procedures of the Vermilion Police Department to use on-duty time to meet for the purpose of sexual relations. You think? And the dispatcher says she knew the officer was on duty at the times that they met.

So, was it a Vermilion detective who found out about the hijinks?


It was because Jones' wife discovered text messages on his cell phone that showed one of the planned meetings and she sent a screen shot of the text messages to -- wait for it -- Vermilion Police Chief Chris Hartung.

By the way, Kovach is separated from her husband.

OK, so what do the tax-paying citizens of Vermilion think about how one of their officers' gets paid for doing? Let's see what happens.

I'll tell you what the mayor said. She said she found Jones' conduct reprehensible and that, by engaging in such activities during work hours, he put citizens at risk because he wasn't immediately available to respond to potential emergencies.

Bulan added that Jones left the Vermilion city limits for two of the three meetings.

I think that Vermilion is one of the most picturesque spots along Lake Erie. I have visited there several times and always had a good time. You should check out the Chez Francois restaurant if you go to Vermilion.

One place I never visited was the the Old Vermilion Jailhouse Bed and Breakfast, which gets rave reviews for everything from its stocked refrigerators to its certificates for breakfast across the street.

Come to think of it, that would have been the perfect place for Jones and Kovach to meet.

Just sayin'

Follow WKYC's Kim Wendel on Twitter @KimWendel

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