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Will NFL players wearing Guardian Caps make youth football safer?

The OHSAA permits high school football players to wear the helmet add-ons during games. Now that NFL players can too, will youth sports benefit?

BEREA, Ohio — For this first time this NFL season we may see a different look in headgear among players. 

The Guardian Caps they've worn during practice since 2022 will be permitted during regular season games. 

The helmet add-ons offer an added level of protection from concussions. 

"We have some really good statistics that show they decrease concussion both in-season and during the preseason," said Dr. Sean Cupp. 

Cupp is co-director of the University Hospitals Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute and lead medical physician for the Cleveland Browns. He says a 2023 study on linebackers, tight ends and linemen shows a 52% reduction in concussions both preseason and in-season. 

For youth sports, studies show using Guardian Caps can reduce concussion risks by 30%. 

"The waffle design absorbs a lot of the energy that can be dissipated during a helmet-to-helmet or helmet-to-ground injury that often lead to a concussion," Cupp said. 

The results are so promising, Cupp says he's had requests from 70 different schools all the way down to youth sports for Guardian Caps. 

Former St. Ignatius Head Football Coach Chuck Kyle served on the NFL's concussion committee. 

"For a coach you really it really bothers you. You lose sleep at night when people get hurt in practice," Kyle said. 

Innovations like the Guardian Caps were part of the ongoing discussion on the committee. Kyle says today's helmets are much improved, but added safety can make a difference. 

"There can be a lot of times when you're taken to the ground and bang your head and now there's added cushion — maybe less shock to the brain — because again when that happens the brain moves and that's a concussion," Kyle said. "Does it prevent [all] concussions? No, no it doesn't. But it's just another added protection."

We asked Cupp whether we might see Browns players taking them from practice and into regular season games. 

"I personally think we probably won't have many takers. My guess is maybe one or two guys in the entire league may wear it during the season but we're probably not going to see many of those during the games this year," Cupp said. 

What about at the high school level? The Ohio High School Athletic Association does allow players to wear Guardian Caps during football games.  And a number of schools do have them and use them in practice. We'll have to wait and see if the NFL players that do use them have an effect on high school players. 

The Caps do run about $70 each.  With the cost of equipment for football already high, many schools can't afford them - or pass the cost on to parents. If they're lucky, a donor will step up and purchase them. 

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