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Growing STEM: 10-year-old Northeast Ohio astronomer receives surprise gift of new telescope

Thanks to the generosity of the Cuyahoga Astronomical Association, Joy Conley's wonder of discovery will continue to grow.

CLEVELAND — Joy Conley is passionate about exploring the sky. Thanks to the generosity of the Cuyahoga Astronomical Association that wonder of discovery will continue to grow.

“Someone years ago made them just to look at the sky,” said Joy Conley about telescopes.

Joy may be only 10-years old, but her fascination with the sky and telescopes dates back several years. As Joy got bigger, so did her telescope. It wasn't the best, but it was hers. Determined to make it work, she regularly attended Cuyahoga Astronomical Association meetings, where the group offered encouragement and lessons.

Joy's drive in turn inspired the CAA to surprise the young astronomer with a gift of a new telescope.

"I really thought I was just here to learn more things about space. I really did not expect this. It was crazy," said Joy

"Let's give her a better tool to apply those traits to,” explained Jay Reynolds of the Cuyahoga Astronomical Association. “We don't want her to become so frustrated that she says, 'I'm done with this.'"

The excitement left Joy speechless for just a moment. She now has a telescope that will last her a lifetime.

"I'm just happy that I have a telescope that I can see, like galaxies from like hundreds of miles away," Joy added.

The CAA wants to inspire others by sharing their knowledge and the view through their telescopes with the public.

"Sometimes we're inspired by other people and their reactions when they look through our telescopes, their reactions, when they learn how the telescope works and how accessible it really is," said Reynolds.

For Joy, she sees her future, and dreams of taking photos of space for NASA.

"I've been wanting to work at NASA for a long time, so I'm hoping that this will help me get into NASA," she said.

There was one more surprise awaiting the Medina County girl.

"Pretty soon she'll be sharing telescopes with us as well because we're giving her a membership to the Cuyahoga Astronomical Association. And that makes her the youngest member,” said Reynolds.

The evening presentation made us ask whether Joy would have time to use her new telescope that same night?

"Probably, yeah. I'll probably sneak out of my room and use it," she admitted.

One of Joy’s first reactions was asking her mom how the new telescope was going to fit in the car, so they could get it home.

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