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Growing STEM: Viking CHAMPS program at Cleveland State University inspiring future health care professionals

For over a decade, The Viking CHAMPS summer program at Cleveland State University has given high school students a look at jobs in the medical field

CLEVELAND — Students, turned medical detectives, are presenting case studies in front of family and friends. It’s one of their final tasks as they wrap up a unique summer medical program.

“We were presented with different cases of people and we had to diagnose them with things based on symptoms they had and trips to the hospital,” said Hathaway Brown junior Kenligh Black.

The Viking Careers in Health and Medical Professionals, or CHAMPS, introduces area high school students to a wide range of high paying, highly skilled careers in the health field. The three-week program at Cleveland State University exposes those underrepresented in the current health care system to new possibilities.

“And our objective is to excite them, make them more curious and think about where they may go for college and what type of career track where they can make a difference,” said Dr. Timothy McKnight. executive director of Pathways to Practice at Cleveland State University.

The program is immersive and hands-on, giving participants experiences that few receive as high school students.

“We got to look at brains one day. That was very shocking to me because I wasn't expecting that, but it also was a good experience,” said Black.

“My favorite activity is probably just like the dissections and suturing. I really loved that, like hands-on component,” said Shrividya Regadanilli, a Hathaway Brown School rising sophomore.

They also spent time with working health professionals, who encouraged them to keep exploring career paths within the industry. The CHAMPS Program has grown in popularity, receiving over a hundred applications for 30 spots.

“I would say if you didn't know what you wanted to do, you should definitely come to this program,” said Olivia Hamilton, a sophomore at John Hay Early College. “Since we did try a lot of different things and I got to make a lot of new friends, I had exposure to different professionals so I could ask them questions if I really needed to.”

Among those impressed with the students in the CHAMPS program is Dr. Stephanie Brooks, the new dean of Cleveland State's College of Medicine, who hopes to see them enrolled at CSU in the future.

“They're on top of their game,” said Brooks of the students. “It's exciting to me that these individuals will be our future doctors and health and wellness professionals.”

Those involved with the Vikings CHAMPS program at CSU would like to see students exposed to health careers sooner, in middle school, to different health careers. They also mentioned extending the camp or offering more than once a year.

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