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'Mini tsunami' along Washington coast caught on camera

People on the Washington Coast got quite a show over the weekend when a "rogue" wave rolled in and inundated a creek and beach near Pacific Beach.

<p>A"rogue" wave rolled in and inundated Joe Creek near Pacific Beach. (Courtesty: Irene Sumi & KING-TV)</p><p> </p>

People on the Washington Coast got quite a show over the weekend when a "rogue" wave rolled in and inundated a creek and beach near Pacific Beach.

Irene Sumi was staying at a friend’s home, which overlooks the mouth of Joe Creek, and just happened to flip on her camera when the wave started to come in.

“The tide was coming in but that was definitely a rogue wave that came in quickly and big -- filled up the entire creek bed and beach,” she said.

Sumi says she visits the area regularly.

“I’ve never seen a big wave come in like that,” she said.

The wave was carrying logs and debris with it.

“It’s pretty dangerous when those waves roll through,” she said.

She posted the video on Facebook and some people compared it to a “mini tsunami.”

“That one you couldn’t run fast enough to get out of the way,” she said.

Steve Martin was with a group on the beach at Ocean Shores when the surge happened.

“I was up on the bluff and had not gone down to the beach yet, but was on my way,” he said.

Martin saw a police car coming right to left, then his friends saw the wave, as did the officer in the police car.

“He pulled a quick u-turn and gunned it to try and beat the wave as our friends were at a dead run towards the bluff. As you can see from the photo, they didn't make it,” he said. “No one was seriously injured, just pretty shook up.”

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