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Road damage from earthquakes is latest Hawaii volcano peril

Officials on Hawaii's Big Island, where Kilauea volcano continues to send huge amounts of lava across the land, are bracing for the possibility that frequent earthquakes will cut off a major highway.
A Kilauea volcano crack stands in a roadway in Leilani Estates, on Hawaii's Big Island, on May 26, 2018 in Pahoa, Hawaii. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

HONOLULU — Emergency officials dealing with the months-long eruption are turning their focus to the aptly named village of Volcano, where dozens of small earthquakes shake the ground every hour as Kilauea undergoes dramatic changes.

The summit caldera is also collapsing, causing even larger temblors almost daily.

Officials are worried about cracks and holes in Highway 11, a lifeline connecting a rural district with Hilo, the island's biggest city, that allows for a 45-minute commute. The alternative, driving around the state's largest island, can take up to three hours.

Residents will attend a meeting Thursday to discuss possible evacuation plans amid continued seismic activity.

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