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How a Cleveland girl started her own business to raise money for college tuition: 'It just seemed like the best thing to do'

We also surprised 18-year-old Alysha Ginel with a gift from the Sherman Boseman Legal Group.

CLEVELAND — When it comes to education, it's no secret that it can be expensive. But one Cleveland girl turned her problem into profit.

18-year-old Alysha Ginel defied all odds when it came to getting her education.

From teaching herself math in middle school to breaking the language barrier, she never let doubt or worry stop her dream of becoming a lawyer.  

“I got into high school and when I took my placement test, it turned out that I actually did teach myself and I was always at the top of my class. So it was like, things will get hard but you can do this!”

Ginel quickly climbed to the top of her class, becoming the valedictorian and getting accepted into some of the most prestigious schools like: Cleveland State, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, University of Pennsylvania, Ohio State and Georgetown College.

But getting accepted was half the battle. Tuition haunted her after choosing to attend the University of Pennsylvania.

“Just for one year, it’s $83,000.”

But she had a sweet plan! 

"When I realized I wanted to go to law school and all this money that I'm going to need for my education, it just seemed like the best thing to do: Start a business to raise money for college.”

For two years, Ginel sold her sweet treats to make money for her college tuition, raising around $11,000.

But we had a special surprise for her, too! Our friends Bradley Sherman and Allen Boseman of the Sherman Boseman Legal Group could not help but to donate.

"We know that the University of Pennsylvania is an awesome school, but it doesn't come free," Allen Boseman said. "So, as part of this legal community here, we want to give you a check to help towards your tuition. We hope that our contribution to your education, that our investment in you, will inspire others to do the same. This is just a small token of our appreciation for the hard work we know you're about to endure."

For more information on how you can help, check out her Sisi's Sweets page on Facebook.


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