CLEVELAND — St. Malachi Parish in Cleveland is slowly finding its way back to normalcy with the return of its Monday Night Meals service. This comes after a scary event in July, which left many in the community shaken as dozens of gunshots rang out outside the church during the service.
Michael Pellegrino, co-coordinator of Monday Night Meals was at the church when the shooting took place. He vividly remembers the night.
"It was a horrific event for the people that were here," he said. "It was... it was a traumatic event. The reality of it happening was shocking to everyone."
Three people were injured, none of whom were inside the church.
In the wake of the shooting, Father Michael Gurnick and the parish community sought ways to process the trauma and begin healing. Pellegrino notes that a day was organized for parishioners to gather with diocesan professionals who helped them work through the emotional toll of the event.
"It just takes time, time to process," Pellegrino reflected.
As the parish continues to heal, the return of Monday Night Meals has become a symbol of hope and resilience. However, they are taking their time, carefully balancing the need to provide support for the community while ensuring everyone feels safe.
For now, meals are now being provided through a take-out window with no indoor dining at this stage.
"We're taking this a step at a time," said Pellegrino. "We want to make sure that everyone, like our diners, feel safe. Our volunteers feel safe, and once that occurs, we'll make the next decision."
Pellegrino said they may explore the possibility of bringing back in-person meals next year if they are able to have an increased security presence on-site.
As the community continues to rebuild, the return of Monday Night Meals serves as a testament to the resilience of St. Malachi Parish and its commitment to providing for those in need, despite the challenges they’ve faced. With careful planning and support, the parish is moving forward —one meal at a time.
More information on St. Malachi Parish, the services they offer and how you can help can be found here: Home - St. Malachi Parish.