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Cleveland's first 'HAWK' pedestrian signal set to launch in University Circle

The signal, also known as a pedestrian hybrid beacon, is located at East 105th Street between Chester Avenue and Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in University Circle.

CLEVELAND — If you've driven on East 105th Street in University Circle lately, you've probably noticed an unusual traffic signal. Soon, it will be active.

The new signal, called a HAWK (high-intensity activated crosswalk) or pedestrian hybrid beacon, will be activated on Monday at East 105th Street between Chester Avenue and Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in University Circle. 

According to University Circle officials, the HAWK signal is the first of its kind in the city and will enhance pedestrian safety efforts in the neighborhood.

Here's how it works: Just like a normal traffic signal, pedestrians start by pushing a button which directs the signal to change to red and traffic to stop, allowing pedestrians to safely cross the street.

Drivers will not see any activity on the signal until it has been activated by a pedestrian. Once the button has been pushed, the signal will go from "flashing" yellow to indicate that a pedestrian has pushed the button, to "steady" yellow, indicating that the driver should prepare to stop. 

When the signal is solid red, vehicles are required to fully stop while pedestrians cross. The signal concludes with a flashing red sequence, indicating that vehicles are required to stop first and then proceed with caution if no pedestrians are present.

University Circle officials say East 105th Street was selected for a HAWK signal due to the increase in pedestrian traffic along the Nord Family Greenway. The greenway connects the Tinkham Veale University Center on the eastern end of Case Western Reserve University’s campus, to the Maltz Performing Arts Center at the west end.

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